Asia Politics: A Complex Landscape

Asia Politics

Asia Politics: A Complex Landscape

Asia’s political system is often compared to a triangle: The Asian economic powerhouse, China, India and Japan. But in recent years, the relationship among these economic giants has begun to fray. This is because of the rise of ASEAN ( Association of South East Asian Nations) countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. While ASEAN countries have a strong political system with transparent societies, their relative economic strength has helped to fuel the growth of the “market economy” in these nations – driving up their populations’ expectations for political and economic advancement.

The political landscape in this region is still developing. While the regional governments have started to take action, the fact that no set political system or vision has been formed makes it harder to project an alternative political agenda. What’s more, Asia-Pacific countries are facing the threat of a resurgence of ultra-nationalist sentiments which could destabilize regional politics even further. While China has been a mainstay in the region, it has been unable to project an agenda for itself, alienating other nations while focusing on its own growth at the cost of others. Pro-American sentiment and fears over territorial disputes has also fueled anti-American sentiment in the region.

While these factors make it difficult for Asian countries to move forward politically, it is also clear that they face huge challenges when it comes to economic development. ASEAN countries need the support of the United States and other major players in order to sustain their rapid economic growth. With the US-ASEAN summit tentatively scheduled in 2021, Washington needs to start providing more help if it wants to see the countries in the region make serious moves toward closer political and economic integration. If the US doesn’t participate actively in the promotion of closer cooperation in the economic, political and cultural arenas of these countries, it will risk seeing its influence wane in the region.

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European Politics

European Politics

Europe Politics is a field of study that has been of interest to philosophers, political scientists, and those interested in international relations. The European Union, for instance, was created as an “economic club” that could impose its will on all other nations. The European Union is the most powerful economic force on the planet and this serves as one of the major drivers of world trade. Without the massive economic weight of the EU, the United States would be forced to bail out businesses from failing in the wake of insurmountable debt and financial collapses. The EU plays a leading role not only in world trade but also in world politics by playing a key role in the management of the EU budget.

In order to understand Europe Politics one must take into account the structure of the various organs of the European Union. The European Parliament is the center of decision making in the EU and it is directly elected by the people of the EU. The EP consists of an assembly with a president and different portfolios. Some portfolios are reserved for specific political groups while others are held by independent MEPs, or members of the European Green Party. The parliamentarians hold the power to set the agenda of the negotiations of the EU Council and the EU’s executive branch.

The commission is the other main institution of the EU and it is also elected by the Parliament. The role of the commission is to manage the EU’s common foreign and security policy. The five EU institutions make up the European Union. One can see the link between the institutions and their respective politics. The development of the EU and its political system is a continuous process and it is a very interesting area of study for those interested in international affairs.

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