A Short Guide to Politics

Politics is the study of political systems and institutions, including the distribution of power in societies, groups or nations and the interaction of governing bodies. The field of political science is known as political science because it studies government and politics. Politics is a part of science and many areas of science deal with politics either directly or indirectly, depending on the area of study. Some of the most prominent fields of study in political science include international politics, national politics, social science and political philosophy.

Comparative Politics: In comparative politics, political scientists look at how politics influences various other aspects of life. For example, political systems in different countries have very different political systems if we look at international relations. Differences in political system can affect various aspects of life, for example, the health care and education systems. Some of the most prominent areas of study in comparative politics include political economy, constitutional government, international law, globalization, nationality, immigration and multiculturalism.

Public Administration: Public administration deals with the management of public institutions, especially politics. There are many organizations in the field of public administration. One example of such an organization is the American Government Services Administration (AGSA), which provides training for civil professionals who want to work in government. Public administration also includes law, medicine, journalism and other types of non-governmental organizations. In fact, it is one of the largest fields of study in political science today. Examples of public administration include political leadership, public administration, government research and statistics.

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