The World Bank, the State Department, and the NSS


The World Bank, the State Department, and the NSS

Politics is the study of human action based on power and societal relationships. The field of politics is sometimes referred to as the social science because of its focus on the analysis of contemporary political systems. Politics has three different subsets; political science, political economy, and public policy. Within each of these subsets there are political ideologies that shape the practices of politicians in society. Some of these political ideologies can be loosely classified into three categories: classical liberalism, right-wing traditionalism, and left-wing radicalism.

The major portion of politics that is covered by modern university departments and colleges is political history. Political history is the body of work that studies the development of politics as a social science over time and around the world. The major portion of politics that is covered by modern university departments and colleges is political history. Political history consists of the study of politics as a social science over time and around the world.

Modern scholars of politics generally focus on analyzing contemporary political systems in more detail. They have examined the relationship between politics and international public policy, ranging from the development of peace settlements following major conflicts to the formation of international terrorist organizations. These researchers have examined how international terrorists are able to carry out their terrorist activities despite being denied financial support, or even material support from people and governments that would normally give them support.

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