The politics of Asia is a vast expanse, indeed an ocean of human endeavor. Each nation has a unique set of political systems to suit its distinctive cultural and geographic features. Asian nations have been successful in the past, at times, at colonizing other lands and have even spread across the world by taking over other countries’ civilizations and political systems. Today, Asia is a thriving continent that is home to one of the largest human populations and is home to countries that are as technologically advanced and diverse as any other place in the world.
In terms of geographic location, Asia is the biggest continent in the world, with the land mass averaging about the same size as the European Union or United States. Asia’s geography is marked by the Himalayas, the Andes Mountains, the Java Mountains, the Sumatra and Indochina seas, and the cold deserts of the north. Asia is a continent of immense differences; from the highly diverse and culturally rich Chinese culture to the Muslim Malayas, each nation has a different civilization, tradition, language, and social order. As Asia was colonized by the other Asian nations during the last centuries, various ethnic groups emerged and created local political entities which still continue to exist today. The diverse population includes people from every continent including Europe, Africa, America, and Russia.
As for its political system, Asia has a multipolar political system in which the country with the most stable government is awarded diplomatic privileges while nations with democratic governments are encouraged to seek economic partnership with each other. The United States of America is presently the leading economic power in Asia after Japan and South Korea. In fact, the United States currently has the largest trade deficit in the world as a whole, due to the large number of goods that it purchases from other countries in Asia. The massive numbers of goods that are purchased from other nations have had a significant impact on the regional economy in Asia, causing inflation and imbalances in the economy. Asian economies need to address these issues quickly before they create major difficulties for countries such as the United States.