Key Terms in Politics

Politics is the study of political decision-making processes in various types of organizations, or political groups, including the distribution of status or resources to individuals, and the allocation of powers or duties to individuals or groups. The field of political science is known as social science because it studies the political behavior of human beings as distinguished from other animals. Politics has been defined by the Social Learning Theory. This theory postulates that people adopt political behaviors as a way of relating to others.

There are two main theories of politics: political theory and political science. The political theory is a descriptive statement of what politics is. On the other hand, the political science deals more with the methodology of discovering the meaning of political phenomena. Among the many branches of political science, politics is the study of political institutions and politics is usually discussed using the political systems theory. This theory suggests that the political institutions determine the political behavior of humans.

Comparative political analysis is also used in political theory. Comparative political theory is a branch of political science that compares various political systems or institutions of political systems to the real world political environment of the society in which they function. This comparative study will then allow the student to see how changes in institutions can affect political behavior. In addition, comparative political analysis compares different types of government and political systems and will provide information on why a certain type of government is preferred over another one. Students will also learn about the legitimacy of political decisions by studying constitutional law, checks and balances in the constitution, political parties and their role in creating checks and balances in the constitution, the executive branch, and political institutions in general.

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