Understanding Europe Politics 101

Europe Politics is one of the largest and most complicated areas of study in all of academia. Part of the reason for this is that each country in Europe has a different political system with a wide variety of differences from country to country. The political systems of the EU are rather unique in the sense that it was created as a political union. The idea behind this idea was to form a financial super-state with the world’s major economies under its umbrella.

There are seven departments in the European Parliament and they are the European Affairs, General Affairs, Justice, home affairs, education and culture, fisheries and food safety and veterinary medicines. The position of the chair is hereditary and is also held by the country in which the institution operates. There are many different positions in the European Parliament and the most senior position is that of the rapporteur, who represents the interests of the whole assembly. The rapporteur’s job is to scrutinize and report on all legislation that is passed in the parliament and then give recommendations to the president regarding any changes that need to be made.

The second most important job in the European Parliament is the foreign affairs coordinator, who is responsible for dealing with all issues that are related to the external affairs of the European Union. This person is usually a barrister or a lawyer and is responsible for ensuring that the laws that are included within the union conform to the EU’s standards and that these are applied accordingly. He or she is also required to ensure that all the parliaments guidelines are being followed in the implementation of certain EU laws and acts. The third most important job is that of the rapporteur, who is the EU rapporteur and this person represents the general public in a way to the EU. This person reports directly to the Parliament and is therefore allowed to have a say on all policies that are being implemented by the institution.

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